Client Accomplishments


Community Service

Thanks to our partnership with Court Community Services of Cleveland, clients participate in supervised community service. Their diverse community service activities range from litter collection, landscaping, maintenance, painting, and clerical tasks as well as professional activities such as tutoring and data entry.










Client’s educational needs are assessed upon their entry into the program. Based on their individual needs, the following educational classes are available: GED preparation, Pre-GED, Adult Basic Education (ABLE) instruction, and literacy education instruction.











Reentry into the labor market is one of the most challenging situations an ex-offender faces when returning to the community. Yet research consistently indicates that providing ex-offenders with the skills necessary to be self sufficient, contributing members of society is a proven link to stopping the cycle of re-offending. To assist individuals in finding a job, all clients receive employment readiness training and are screened for job skills and interests. The curriculum includes resume writing, interviewing techniques, role playing, and providing clients with communication tools to converse with potential employers on past criminal history.


Financial Responsibility

Clients who are employed must address financial obligations such as court costs, child support, fines, restitution, and Oriana House incurred expenses.












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