Chapter 703: Justice Center Capital Projects Fund

Section 703.01 Fund Established

Pursuant to the home rule power of local self-government vested in Cuyahoga County by the Charter and the Ohio Constitution, the Fiscal Officer is hereby directed to establish a separate fund in the General Fund designated the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund, for collecting and expending funds for the purposes set forth herein.

(Ordinance Nos. O2024-0004, Enacted 9/10/2024, Effective 10/12/2024; O2022-0007, Enacted 12/6/2022, Effective 12/12/2022)

Section 703.02 Use of Justice Center Capital Projects Fund

Funds in the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund shall be used solely for costs of capital projects for a County corrections center or courthouse, which shall include the cost of acquiring, including acquiring land and interests in land, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, improving, furnishing, and equipping facilities at a cost of $100,000 or greater and an estimated useful life of five years or more, provided however that funds shall not be used for routine maintenance.

(Ordinance Nos. O2024-0004, Enacted 9/10/2024, Effective 10/12/2024; O2022-0007, Enacted 12/6/2022, Effective 12/12/2022)

Section 703.03 Source of Capital Projects Funds

Beginning December 1, 2027, the Fiscal Officer shall deposit monies from the General Fund and other legally available sources into the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund no less frequently than biannually, in an amount equal to 100% of the amount collected annually under Section 727.01(B) and Section 727.02(B) of the County Code, net of debt service, financing costs, and any refinancing premium directly relating to any obligations for capital projects as described in Section 703.02, above (i.e., for either the County corrections center, or courthouse, or both, with such obligations aggregating at least $100,000 for said capital project or projects), and expenses associated with administering collection of any such sources. Additionally, the entire remaining balance of the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund previously established pursuant to ORC Section 5705.13(C) shall be transferred to the General Fund and further to the new Justice Center Capital Projects Fund within the General Fund after the rescission of the previously established fund, which is to occur upon the effective date of this Section.

(Ordinance Nos. O2024-0004, Enacted 9/10/2024, Effective 10/12/2024; O2022-0007, Enacted 12/6/2022, Effective 12/12/2022)

Section 703.04 Reporting of the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund

The Fiscal Officer shall report quarterly to Council the revenues, expenditures, and balance of the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund. The quarterly reports shall be sent to the Clerk of Council.

(Ordinance Nos. O2024-0004, Enacted 9/10/2024, Effective 10/12/2024; O2022-0007, Enacted 12/6/2022, Effective 12/12/2022)

Section 703.05 Termination of Justice Center Capital Projects Fund

The Justice Center Capital Projects Fund shall terminate if Chapter 703 is repealed by County Council. Any funds remaining in the Justice Center Capital Projects Fund upon its termination shall be returned to unrestricted sales and use tax uses within the General Fund.

(Ordinance Nos. O2024-0004, Enacted 9/10/2024, Effective 10/12/2024; O2022-0007, Enacted 12/6/2022, Effective 12/12/2022)