Equity Legislation and Executive Orders

Cuyahoga County has enacted legislation and executive orders to combat inequities and create a more equitable County. Learn more by clicking on the legislation and orders below.

Cuyahoga County Council Legislation

August 14, 2012: Adopted Equity Plan for the County; established Equity Commission and Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Equity (CACE).

July 7, 2020
Declaration of racism as a public health crisis.

July 21, 2020
Appointing members to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Equity (CACE).

Cuyahoga County Executive Orders

January 7, 2021
Addressing disparity in contracting by Cuyahoga County; proposing a MWBE Contracting Program.

January 7, 2021
Forecasting and posting contracting and purchasing opportunities.

January 7, 2021
Conducting education outreach to contractors and vendors regarding the MWBE Contracting Program.

January 7, 2021
Expanding use of the SBSA Program to enhance access of MWBEs to contracting opportunities with the County.

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