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About the Office of Innovation and Performance

Since 2015, the Office of Innovation and Performance at Cuyahoga County has led the way in developing a culture of innovation and operational excellence at Cuyahoga County.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To create an engaged and empowered workforce to strengthen Cuyahoga County through performance management, continuous improvement, and the cultivation of new ideas.
A culture of innovation that creates positive outcomes for our community.


Who We Are

What We Do

The Office of Innovation and Performance works to create a culture of innovation and operational excellence through data-driven decision making, researching and implementing best practices, and focusing on results to improve service delivery for residents of Cuyahoga County. We strive to make County government more efficient and effective with programs that focus on three areas: Performance Management, Culture of Innovation, and Process Improvement.

Performance Management

The Office of Innovation and Performance focuses on the County’s performance and its progress towards the goals of the administration. Our office manages supports departments to collect, track and use performance data to identify both successes and opportunities for improvement.

Process Improvement

The Office of Innovation and Performance seeks to make Cuyahoga County government more efficient by improving the processes we use to deliver services. The Cuyahoga County Innovation Academy uses Lean Six Sigma and Project Management methodologies to equip and enhance County staff with skills to improve programs and find innovative efficiencies across the County.

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