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Innovation & Performance Programs



The Lab Cuyahoga County

The Lab @ Cuyahoga County

The success of a startup isn’t based on an idea alone. Access to mentoring, capital, and customers is essential for startups to overcome the barriers to entry that exist in any market. To help local startups make the jump from product ideation and development to product launch, the Office of Innovation and Performance developed The Lab @ Cuyahoga County. By transforming Cuyahoga County into a living lab for the latest innovations, The Lab will provide local entrepreneurs and startups with the subject matter expertise, data, and customer feedback needed for business success. Through this investment in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, the County can empower local startups and inspire a culture of innovation that improves public sector agencies and grows the local economy.

STIR Startup in Residence Logo

Startup in Residence

In 2019, Cuyahoga County will participate in the Startup in Residence program (STiR) operated by City Innovate. STiR helps governments rapidly address their challenges by working collaboratively with startups for 16 weeks to develop technology solutions. To learn more about STiR and the application process, visit the STiR website.

CCIA logo

Cuyahoga County Innovation Academy

The Cuyahoga County Innovation Academy (CCIA) coaches and trains County employees at all levels to provide superior services for our residents. We believe that our employees are best placed to understand what our customers need, and how best to implement improvements in efficiency and cost reductions. With a three-tiered training that focuses on Lean Six Sigma, Project Management, Organizational Behavior and Change Management methodologies, CCIA will enhance the County’s capacity to meet residents’ needs while saving time and money. Participation in CCIA will provide county employees with the knowledge, tools, and training to implement projects aimed at reducing costs and improving service delivery of County services.


Internal Audit

The Office of Innovation and Performance serves as the Executive Liaison for the County’s Department of Internal Audit. Innovation and Performance staff work with County departments that are undergoing audits to provide timely and accurate information to the Department of Internal Audit. Internal Audit Reports help County departments understand issues they face and recommend solutions to those issues. The Office of Innovation and Performance works hand in hand with these departments to develop and implement solutions, ensure that the right changes are being made, and troubleshoot challenges that arise.

Innovation Conversations

Innovation Conversations

The Office of Innovation and Performance hosts quarterly Innovation Conversations to bring County employees together to celebrate innovations around the County, provide training on new ideas and topics, and foster a culture of innovation at all levels of County government. Using existing County resources, Innovation Conversations are a simple and effective way of making innovation part of every employee’s work.





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