Cuyahoga Emergency Communications System (CECOMS)

911 Records Request

Any person may request a public record from any Cuyahoga County public office, including CECOMS, at any time.


Amber Alert

The Cuyahoga Emergency Communications System (CECOMS) is the Amber Alert activation point for all of the counties covered by the Northeast Ohio region.


CECOMS Hospital Status

The purpose of this web-based system is to provide this information to EMS and hospitals for quick reference and eliminates calling CECOMS on the telephone to obtain the information.


License Plate Reader Manual Entry Form

By submitting this form, requesting agency is acknowledging the Policies and Procedures or the LPR system. CECOMS will contact requesting agencies to confirm receipt.


PSAP Resources

CECOMS offers a wide range of resources for all Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) in Cuyahoga County.



Radio Communications

CECOMS is here to assist agencies with all technical and operational aspects of incident communications.



The Cuyahoga Emergency Communications System (CECOMS) is a 24-Hour, 7-Day a week, public safety communication system that provides emergency 9-1-1 call answering and other communication services.

All 9-1-1 calls and text messages placed from a cellular device within Cuyahoga County are routed to CECOMS.


Testing 9-1-1

CECOMS Wireless 9-1-1 Testing Request Form

Standard procedures to test with our Emergency 9-1-1 Center are as follows. Please note that we require testing to be scheduled in advance.

  1. Testing shall only occur between the hours of 8 am – 1 pm EST Monday – Friday
  2. Only one carrier shall be approved to test on a given day
  3. To ensure availability for all, carriers shall be limited to no more than 3 days of testing per week
  4. Carriers shall be limited to no more than 27 test calls per day
  5. Carriers shall contact CECOMS via email at at least 24 hours in advance for testing approval
    • The wireless carrier shall include the following information in their request:
      • Date and time range being requested
      • Location of the tower site being tested
      • Total number of expected test calls
  6. For test calls scheduled in advanced: At the approved time call (216) 771-1363 for E911 testing. Confirm that it is still appropriate to perform the test(s).

Testing is a low priority task, if other emergencies are occurring, tests will be rescheduled.


Police Dispatch Contact Numbers

CECOMS Media Alert Emergency Notification Form


CECOMS is Cuyahoga County’s source for services and information including:

  • AMBER ALERT broadcasts
  • County-wide radio communications
  • Public Alerts 
  • Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD)
  • Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) assistance
  • Police, Fire and EMS dispatch services for requesting communities 
  • Operation of the County’s Hospital Restriction and Override Program
  • Request for LPR Entry Form

Contact Us

24 hour Dispatch Center Phone Number:

Jacquelynn Costa, Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Supervisor
Phone: 440-703-3560
Lisa Raffurty, Manager
Phone: 440-703-3568
Nancy Kolcan, 911 Coordinator
Phone: 440-703-3562
Nick Dolbin, Operations Supervisor
Phone: 440-703-3564
Stephen Kasik, Operations Supervisor
Phone: 440-703-3561