911 Records Request Form
9-1-1 Test Call Guidelines
Standard procedures to test with our Emergency 9-1-1 Centre are as follows. Please note that we require testing to be scheduled in advance.
- Testing shall only occur between the hours of 8 am – 1 pm EST Monday – Friday
- Only one carrier shall be approved to test on a given day
- To ensure availability for all, carriers shall be limited to no more than 3 days of testing per week
- Carriers shall be limited to no more than 27 test calls per day
- Carriers shall contact CECOMS via email at CECOMSSupervisors@cuyahogacounty.us at least 24 hours in advance for testing approval
- The wireless carrier shall include the following information in their request:
- Date and time range being requested
- Location of the tower site being tested
- Total number of expected test calls
- The wireless carrier shall include the following information in their request:
- For test calls scheduled in advanced: At the approved time call (216) 771-1363 for E911 testing. Confirm that it is still appropriate to perform the test(s).
Testing is a low priority task, if other emergencies are occurring, tests will be rescheduled.