School and Healthcare Emergency Planning

Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Sections 3313.536 (School Emergency Management Plans) and 3301-5-01 (Requirements for the Emergency Management Plan and Test), all Ohio schools are required to maintain and exercise their Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has provided templates and guidance for all schools to meet these requirements. This information can be found on the Safer Schools website at:

If your school(s) is within the boundaries of Cuyahoga County, the Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management (CCOEM) is required to review your school plan(s) at least once every three years, and provide signature. In addition to reviewing your school EOP, we can assist with exercise development, and participate in exercises upon request when availability permits.


School and Healthcare Plan Submissions

Healthcare Agency Information Submission

Under the State of Ohio Medicare / Medicaid guidelines healthcare providers must submit information about their agency to the local office of emergency management.

Healthcare Survey


School Safety Plan Submission

On March 24, 2021, the current statute that governs School Emergency Management Plans shifted from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to the Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS).

ORC 5502.262 requires administrators of each facility in the state of Ohio, which provides educational services to children and is subject to regulation by ODE, to develop and adopt a comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. This plan shall consist of the following:

  1. Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
  2. Floor Plan
  3. Site Plan
  4. Emergency Contact Information Sheet
  5. Stakeholders Signature Page

ORC 5502.262 also states that schools shall 1.) review their Emergency Management Plan and certify that the plan is current and accurate no later than July 1st of each year; and 2.) conduct at least one Emergency Management Test (EMT) by December 31st of each year.

All Emergency Management Plan documents, the Annual Plan Certification, and the EMT After-Action Report shall be submitted/documented using the School Safety Plans Portal.

State experts with the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC) review all plan documents using a grading rubric known as the Gap Analysis Tool (GAT) and provide guidance to help schools implement best practices and improve their plans. If you have any questions about this information or would like to speak with an OSSC Planner, please call (614) 644-2641 or email

EMP Required Documents: Templates and Guidelines

  1. Emergency Operations Plan (Sample) - An emergency operations plan is a comprehensive all-hazards plan that takes into account all threats and hazards for a particular school. The plan must stipulate ways the administrator will address those threats and a protocol for responding to those threats.
  2. Floor Plan – A floor plan identifies key infrastructure elements of the building, such as classroom locations, emergency exit routes, and locations of fire extinguishers.
  3. Site Plan – A site plan is an aerial view of the school facility and its surrounding area, which identifies nearby roadways, fire truck routes, and other school property such as athletic fields and gymnasiums.
  4. Emergency Contact Information Sheet – An emergency contact sheet contains information so first responders can reach administrators and other key people during an emergency. (Revised 5/19/2022)
  5. Stakeholder Signature Page – The signature of the school administrator acknowledges that they have involved community stakeholders in the development and changes made to the Emergency Management Plan. The signatures of community first responders signify they were provided the opportunity to collaborate (through planning or providing information) on the creation/update of the emergency management plan. The signatures of the program-specific stakeholders signify they were made aware of the content of the emergency management plan by the responsible school administrator.

School Safety Survey



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