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Businesses, Schools, and Communities


Community Organizations Active in Disaster was created to organize various groups to work together in the event of an emergency.

Ready Business

The Ready Business Toolkit series includes hazard-specific versions with a step-by-step guide to build preparedness within an organization.

Business Continuity of Operations (COOP)

Resources to help businesses set up a continuity of operation plan.

School and Healthcare Emergency Planning

Ohio Revised Code for School Emergency Management Plans and contact information to schedule review.



Emergency Operations Center

Description of Emergency Coordinators and the Emergency Operations Center.



Emergency Preparedness Outreach

A form to request an outreach speaker or presentation for a business, school or community and one sheets for educational purposes.


The Ready Certify program is designed to assist local communities and organizations in developing and operating their own emergency management programs.


ReadyEx is a comprehensive Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Program, developed by the Office of Emergency Management, to strengthen the emergency preparedness and resilience of groups within Cuyahoga County.

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