Be a Partner
Community Partners
Share scam alerts and scam prevention materials with your residents, customers and networks in Cuyahoga County.
- Download scam prevention materials to share.
- Request FREE print materials to share.
- Request a speaker or Scamo game for community or group events.
- Use our referral tools to help Cuyahoga County residents report scams.
Contact Consumer Affairs at 216-443-7035 or email
Your retail store can play an important part in protecting your customers from scams. Scammers often direct victims to stores to convert cash into gift cards, prepaid cards or bitcoin.
Here are ways to help:
- Request Scam Squads signs for gift card sales racks and bitcoin ATMs or kiosks to interrupt potential scams.
- Post signs asking customers to end phone calls when at the register – it might interrupt a scam.
- Request Scam Squad handouts to help customers avoid robocalls and common scams
- Ask for an on-site mini-presentation to help clerks recognize scams.