Welcome to the Cuyahoga County Monument Commission

Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry Monument banner


The Cuyahoga County Monument Commission was established to preserve and honor historical occurrences and significance individuals. The purpose of the Commission is to promote a diverse and representative cultural environment through appropriate memorialization on County property of significant persons, communities, and historic events. The Monument Commission inventories the County’s collection of monuments, reviews proposals for new additions to the collection, and guides the process of restoring, renovating, altering, or repairing existing monuments.

Cuyahoga County’s collection of Monuments includes dozens of statues, paintings, sculptures, and memorial plaques on County buildings and properties, ranging from the Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry Monument at Huntington Park to the Portal Sculpture at the Justice Center. This set of monuments was acquired or commissioned over the course of more than a century, and they exist to tell the story of Cuyahoga County.