Housing Discrimination

The Cuyahoga County Human Rights Commission (CCHRC) accepts, reviews, and hears complaints of discrimination in housing within Cuyahoga County. Housing issues include but not limited to:

  • Renting, leasing or subleasing
  • Negotiating for sale or rental
  • Terms, conditions or privileges for sale or rental
  • Printing and publishing of advertisements
  • Mortgage lending
  • Homeowner’s insurance


Can I File a Complaint of Discrimination?

To determine if your complaint can be reviewed and heard by the CCHRC, please answer the following questions:

  • Is the act of discrimination related to a housing transaction or property within Cuyahoga County?
  • Did the act of discrimination happen within 330 days from the date you are filing the complaint?
  • Does action complained of relate to your sexual orientation or gender identity or expression?


If you answered yes to all three questions above, you can file a Housing Discrimination complaint with the CCHRC.


What is an adverse housing action?

  • Refusing to rent/sell
  • Eviction
  • Changes in terms, conditions and privileges
  • Harassment
  • Refusal of services, repairs, facilities and improvements
  • False representation of availability
  • Discriminatory financing terms